姓名: 赵吉昌
Email: jichang@buaa.edu.cn
职称: 教授


赵吉昌,北航经济管理学院信息系统系,长聘副教授,北航大数据科学与脑机智能高精尖创新中心高级研究员,博士生导师。2008年毕业于北航计算机学院获学士学位和应用数学学位,2014年毕业于北航计算机学院获博士学位,师从许可教授,2012至2013年于以色列Bar-Ilan大学物理系联合培养,师从Shlomo Havlin教授。主要研究兴趣为社会化媒体,复杂网络和商务智能,近年尤其关注社会系统复杂性相关问题。欢迎对复杂系统、计算社会科学等相关交叉方向感兴趣的同学加入我的团队。(Homepage:www.zhaojichang.cn

目前共发表论文50余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文30余篇,包括Nature Communications 1篇(Nature子刊),Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1篇。Google Scholar中被引2000余次,单篇最高引用320余次,H-index 19,i-10指数25。情绪计算与传播工作得到New Scientist、MIT Technology Review、BBC、FOX等90多个国家数百家媒体报道,并被写入教材、畅销书,以及计算机、政治、经济、新闻、心理学和金融等领域的10多本书籍。2014年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文,2017年获北航优秀青年教师。指导学生论文获校级优秀论文、北京市优秀论文多人次,2021年被评为北京市优秀指导教师。


担任PLOS ONE编委(AcademicEditor)。曾受邀在荷兰埃因霍温理工大学、香港科技大学、沃民高新科技(北京)股份有限公司、北京师范大学、河海大学、首都师范大学、北航国家重点实验室、新浪微博、解放军信息工程大学等机构做学术报告。常态担任Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Scientific Reports, Computers in Human Behavior, Scientometrics, New Media & Society, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance等国际权威学术期刊审稿人。


1.Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao* and Huiwen Wang. Academic Failures and Co-location Social Networks in Campus. EPJ Data Science, 11, 10, 2022.

2.Junran Wu, Ke Xu, Xueyuan Chen, Shangzhe Li and Jichang Zhao*. Price graphs: Utilizing the structural information of financial time series for stock prediction. Information Sciences, 588:405-424, 2022.

3.Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao* and Huiwen Wang. MD-MBPLS: A Novel Explanatory Model in Computational Social Science. Knowledge-Based Systems, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107023, 2021.

4.马莹雪,赵吉昌.自然灾害期间微博平台的舆情特征及演变——以台风和暴雨数据为例[J].数据分析与知识发现, 2021, 5(6): 66-79.

5.Yingying Xu and Jichang Zhao. Can sentiments on macroeconomic news explain stock returns? Evidence form social network data. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2020, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijfe.2260.

6.Junran Wu, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Predicting long-term returns of individual stocks with online reviews. Neurocomputing 417 (5):406–418,2020.

7.Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao* and Huiwen Wang. Trading Imbalance in Chinese Stock Market—A High-Frequency View. Entropy, 2020, 22(8), 897.

8.Zilong Zhao#, Jichang Zhao#, Yukie Sano#, Orr Levy#, Hideki Takayasu, Misako Takayasu, Daqing Li, Junjie Wu and Shlomo Havlin. Fake news propagates differently from real news even at early stages of spreading. EPJ Data Science, 9, 7, 2020.

9.Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao* and Huiwen Wang. The Emergence of Critical Stocks in Market Crash. Frontiers in Physics, 8, 49, 2020.

10.Xiaoqian Hu, Jichang Zhao, Hong Li and Junjie Wu. Online Footprints of Workforce Migration and Economic Implications. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2019.121497.

11.Huiwen Wang, Shan Lu and Jichang Zhao*. Aggregating multiple types of complex data in stock market prediction: A model-independent framework. Knowledge-Based Systems, 164:193-204, 2019.

12.Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Homophily of Music Listening in Online Social Networks. Social Networks, 55:160-169, 2018.

13.Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Extroverts Tweet Differently from Introverts in Weibo. EPJ Data Science, 7:18, 2018.

14.Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao*, Huiwen Wang and Ruoen Ren. Herding Boosts Too-connected-to-fail Risk in Stock Market of China. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,505:945-964, 2018.

15.Rui Fan, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. An Agent-based Model for Emotion Contagion and Competition in Online Social Media. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 495, 245–259, 2018.

16.Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Tales of Emotion and Stock in China: Volatility, Causality and Prediction. World Wide Web, 21:1093–1116, 2018.

17.Rui Fan, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. A GPU-based solution for fast calculation of the betweenness centrality in large weighted networks. PeerJ Comput. Sci. 3:e140, DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.140, 2017.

18.Yingying Xu, Zhixin Liu, Jichang Zhao and Chiwei Su. Weibo sentiments and stock return: A time-frequency view. PLOS ONE 12(7): e0180723, 2017.

19.Leihan Zhang, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Sleeping Beauties in Meme Diffusion. Scientometrics, 112:383–402, 2017.

20.Jichang Zhao, Daqing Li, Hillel Danhedrai, Roven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin. Spatio-temporal propagation of cascading overload failures in spatially embedded networks. Nature Communications 7:10094 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10094, 2016.

21.Leihan Zhang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Who creates Trends in Online Social Media: The Crowd or Opinion Leaders? Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 21(1):1-16, 2016.

22.Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. A general law of human mobility. Science China Information Sciences, 58(10):1-14, 2015.

23.Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Mingming Chen, Zhiwen Fang and Ke Xu. K-core-based attack to the internet: Is it more malicious than degree-based attack? (Extended Version) World Wide Web 18 (3):749-766, 2015.


1.Most Influential Emotions on Social Networks Revealed,https://www.technologyreview.com/s/519306/most-influential-emotions-on-social-networks-revealed/.

2.Fake news gets shared more when it is angry and anxiety-inducing,https://www.newscientist.com/article/2242452-fake-news-gets-shared-more-when-it-is-angry-and-anxiety-inducing/.



5.我院硕士生工作论文被英国知名科学技术杂志《New Scientist》长篇报道,/info/1006/27328.htm.



1.Enhancing the SVD Compression. (arXiv:2112.03715)

2.Positive emotions help rank negative reviews in e-commerce. (arXiv:2005.09837)

3.Weak ties strengthen anger contagion in social media. (arXiv:2005.01924)

4.How do online consumers review negatively? (arXiv:2004.13463)

5.Anger makes fake news viral online. (arXiv:2004.10399)

6.Behavior variations and their implications for popularity promotions: From elites to mass in Weibo. (arXiv:2004.05591)

7.The illiquidity network of stocks in China's market crash. (arXiv:2004.01917)

8.Same influenza, different responses: Social media can sense a regional spectrum of symptoms. (arXiv:1905.01778)

9.Repetitive users network emerges from multiple rumor cascades (arXiv:1804.05711) ( arXiv:1802.01143)


1.一种基于文本情感分析的搜索引擎系统(201310479475. 9, CN 103605658 B)

2.一种基于速度采样数据的区域交通拥堵评价方法(201810585179. X, CN 1088066250 B)

3.一个基于社交媒体的突发事件多维分析系统(201810585216. 7)

4.一种基于社交媒体数据的自然灾害损失实时评估方法(201810787884. 8)

5.一种电商服务问题自动发现系统(201810371912. 8)

6.一个基于多源异构数据的房地产数据可视化系统(201810787881. 4)

7.一种基于用户情绪分布的在线社交距离估计方法 (201811282747.5)




1.心情搜索平台软件V1.0 (2015SR116750)

2.“Public Alert”社交媒体突发事件多维分析系统软件V1.0 (2018SR575250)

3.“鹰眼”电商服务问题自动发现平台软件V1.0 (2018SR455113)

4.“查房”房地产数据多视角可视化系统软件V1.0 (2018SR632945)

5.“千心”推特用户心理画像系统软件V1.0 (2019SR0468181)

6.“中国梦”可视化系统软件V1.0 (2019SR1144770)

7.无人机航电系统可靠性评估和故障诊断综合演示平台软件V1.0 (2020SR0843909)

8.“明鉴”社交媒体空间传播预测系统V1.0 (2020SR1554826)

9.“灵犀”微博网络舆情分析展示平台软件V1.0 (2021SR0122094)

10.“闻风”电商产品知识图谱构建与搜索系统V1.0 (2021SR0983834)

11.“战疫”新冠疫情全球传播分析展示平台V1.0 (2021SR1014170)